Opinion: Legalistic Humanism Between Conflict and Actualization of Humanity Concepts in the History of War and Conflict

Ferry Edyanto | Rabu, 28 Desember 2022 - 18:31 WIB
Opinion: Legalistic Humanism Between Conflict and Actualization of Humanity Concepts in the History of War and Conflict
Brigadier General Pol Andry Wibowo, Intelligence Agency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Andry Wibowo. Foto (istimewa/Meganews.id).



Humanism is understood as a system of relations between people. The conception of the four precepts in Pancasila places a very strategic human position. The highest value after the Divine Value of all social, economic, legal, political, defense, cultural and even scientific life systems is the human being himself. Humanism as the message of the precepts in Pancasila is none other than building a state life in which human relations are based on free cooperation and aim to create a good life together in an independent and sovereign country.

This research was conducted to provide an objective picture of the actual state of the object under study. This study used data collection techniques which included observation, interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD).

Humanity is a natural concept that is inherent in every human being. The evolution of human civilization has given birth to concepts derived from the meaning and nature of humanity as a consequence of human relations which are influenced by complex facts that give rise to conflictual concepts. and actualization of humanity.

In reality, the concept of legalistic humanism has not been fully able to prevent war and conflict, at least the concept of legalistic humanism is the only norm that protects many countries, nations, communities and individuals from wider humanitarian problems.

Keywords: legalistic humanism · war · conflict 1.



Humanity was first learned when elementary school teachers introduced Pancasila, the ideology of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which was formulated by the founder of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno et al., which was then set forth in the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Humanitarian issues in the basis of the state reads “Just and Civilized Humanity” which in practice as citizens must respect fellow human beings without distinction of ethnicity, religion, race and class where every citizen is obliged to respect the humanity of others according to law and law. (Anwar, Khoirul 2021).

The second lesson, of course, I got at the police academy which gave me lessons and police doctrine to respect humanity and help those who are weak.

© Author 2022 R. Kertamukti et al. (Eds.): AICOSH 2022, ASSEHR 717, p. 14–18, 2022. https://doi.org/10.2991/978-2-494069-87-9_3.

Legalistic Humanism Between Conflict and Actualization 15

Then I got the basic concept of humanity in the values ​​that I learned from Javanese religion and culture as well as the culture that exists in the natural life of the Indonesian nation which contains cultural and religious manners that complement one another as a way of life.

On my next trip, I will have the opportunity to serve in areas that are experiencing conflicts and wars at home and abroad that have left a trail of death; the destruction of a city; loss of property and the right to live in security and peace and loss of family generations.

In addition to areas of war and conflict, multicultural and cosmopolitan work assignments that cannot be separated from fights between groups on the basis of religious identity and ethics include crimes or natural and mechanical disasters that intersect with humanitarian issues such as murder, rape, sale of human organs, natural disasters. that takes human life and property.

It also provides an overview of the spectrum of other humanitarian issues that actually occur in our social environment which are the objects of activity by government officials, law enforcement officials, security forces and the public.

These events are of course very relevant to the humanitarian issues we are talking about and have even been discussed by many people for hundreds of years, to understand humanitarian and humanitarian issues which are a threat to human life and civilization.

However, if related to today’s theme, of course my experience was part of an international police task force under the UN umbrella in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Former Yugoslavia) in 1998–1999; Being part of the Tripartite Monitoring Team, the Armistice Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement in Aceh under the Facilitation of the Finnish Hendry Dunand Center in 2002–2003 and the Handling of Terrorist Movements in Poso, Central Sulawesi, in 2011–2012 gave me an idea of ​​the different meanings of humanity. and not linear with my initial doctrine and knowledge of the meaning and practice of humanity itself.

Included in this paper, requires me to think deeply to ensure that my view of humanity in the context of war and conflict can relatively provide a picture of the reality of a complex or multi-interpretative concept of humanity and provide rational and progressive conclusions and recommendations.

In the space of war and conflict, for example, killing or carrying out anti-human acts against one’s opponent is an achievement and an honor with all the justification narratives that later actors in history committed structural and excessive violence not a few. declared a hero who was awarded a medal of honor and will be remembered. in history as a warrior, especially for those who won the war.

On the other hand, for the losing side, the matter of death as a result of war causes a person or country to suffer suffering which is then declared as an enemy of humanity with the label of a war criminal who must receive punishment and social sanctions and is ostracized. from the social community and in no small part is stated in history as a criminal. humanity.

This research method is descriptive qualitative. Qualitative descriptive research aims to make a systematic, factual, and accurate description of facts and characteristics.

A. Wibowo Certain Objects

This research was conducted to provide an objective picture of the actual state of the object under study. This study used data collection techniques which included observation, interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). (Mohajan 2018). Observations made based on the author’s observations and experiences while serving in the Indonesian National Police.

Results and Discussion

What experiences are drawn from the events in Bosnia, Aceh and Poso then are in fact a repetition of the journey and history of conflicts that have existed in the course of world civilization.

The events of Colonialism, World War I and World War II which are included in the war against terrorism and group identity-based conflicts in the world, certainly document the reality of our history how humanity is conceptualized and interpreted differently from many existing parties. in a multi-interpretive conflict space. and some practice.

In the conceptual struggle to understand the experience above as well as answer the theme question of today’s discussion, I finally got an answer that is close to what I think about humanity in relation to war and conflict, as an answer to the standard question from a deep process, why?

In a book written by Yuah Noval Harri about Homo sapiens, Yuvah’s brother, Noah Harari, states that “all humanists are worshipers of humanity but they disagree with its definition”. (Roberts 2020).


Adherents of humanism are divided into 3 (three) groups as follows:

1. Sect of Liberal Humanism Humanity is individualistic and resides within every individual human being. With the highest order is to protect the nature and freedom of each individual.

2. Sect of Socialist Humanism Humanity is collective and exists within the human species as a whole. The highest order is to protect the equality of the species of Homo sapiens.

3. Evolutionary Humanism Sect Humanity is a mutated species in which humans can be reduced to sub-humans or evolve into superhumans.

The highest order is to protect humanity from degenerating into subhumans and encourage evolution into superhumans.

In his further explanation, both the liberal humanist sect and the socialist humanist sect were built on monotheistic foundations, in which we profess the idea that all human beings are equal, including all souls equal before God. (Pins 2021)

What about the adherents of the evolutionary humanism sect that is well understood and operationalized by admirers of NAZI. Evolutionary humanists believe that humans are not something universal and eternal, but a species that can change, either evolve or decline. Humans can evolve into superhumans or degenerate into subhumans.

In practice, the concept of Evolutionary Humanism also stimulated war in the name of the superiority of the Aryan race over other races that were considered lower than the Aryan race as one of the human races with the potential to become superhumans.

Legalistic Humanism Between Conflict and Actualization

It also shows us that the different interpretations of humanist sects also resulted in wars and humanitarian events, whereby Hitler and his Nazis believed that the concept of evolutionary humanism was the most appropriate concept of humanity compared to the concept of liberal and social humanism.

In its post-World War II journey which was marked by humanitarian incidents in Europe and the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagazaki, the world which has long experienced many events due to colonialism and wars between nations agreed to stop. war and build a new world with an international legal system. including humanitarian law which aims to build a new world that upholds liberal and social humanitarian law regulated in the formulation of international law, which in my opinion is the birth of a new school of humanism, namely legalistic humanism, which regulates human behavior in conditions of peace and war in international norms.

However, the birth of a new sect of legalistic humanism or the birth of an international legal regime and the existence of a legal superstructure and infrastructure were also unable to prevent wars and conflicts and other humanitarian disasters, such as what happened in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. in which the United States and its allies are involved or in other contexts. The war between Russia and Ukraine in Europe which actually became the center of the perspective of the growth and development of human rights law, or in Asia and Africa which in fact gave birth to debates about right and wrong from a humanitarian perspective.

Likewise, issues of humanity and civilization in many nations and countries face domestic problems with wars and conflicts resulting from separatist movements, terrorism and communal conflicts between groups, which, if we study the jargon, cannot be separated from the concept of liberal humanism regarding rights.

Individual; social humanism about group rights and evolutionary humanism about the superhuman concept, as evidence that the concept and actualization of humanity is understood and practiced in many faces giving rise to endless debates.


The concept of humanity is practiced in many ways. Even though humanity is a natural concept that is inherent in every individual human being, the evolution of human civilization has given birth to concepts derived from the meaning and essence of humanity as a consequence of human relations which are influenced by complex facts which give rise to conflictual concepts and the actualization of humanity.

The concept of legalistic humanism that exists in the international legal system is a concept that was compiled and created to bridge conflicts between 3 (three) schools of humanism concepts that exist in the course of human civilization.

Even though in reality the concept of legalistic humanism has not been fully able to prevent war and conflict, at least the concept of legalistic humanism is the only norm that protects many countries, nations, communities and individuals from wider humanitarian problems.

A. Wibowo Reference

Anwar, K. (2021). Pancasila Village, Multicultural Education and Moderation of Diversity in Indonesia. Nazhruna: Journal of Islamic Education, 4(2), 221–234. Davies, T. (2008). Humanism. Routledge. Mohajan, H.K. (2018). Qualitative research methodologies in the social sciences and related subjects. Journal of economic, environmental and human development, 7(1), 23–48. Pinn, A.B. (2021). Oxford Handbook of Humanism. University of Oxford Press. Roberts, A., & Copson, A. (2020). The Little Book of Humanism: Universal lessons about finding purpose, meaning and happiness. English Hachette. Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any media or any format, as long as you give proper credit to the original author and source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate any changes.

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Brigadier General Pol Andry Wibowo, Intelligence Agency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia [email protected]

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